Talk: Quantum Technology- From Computers and Sensors To Learning Machines
August 21, 2024
Last week, the Maths and Physics Club at IIT Bombay had the privilege of hosting an insightful talk by Professor Sai Vinjanampathy on the topic of Quantum Technology.

Check out the abstract below:

We rely on technology for everyday tasks such as using phones and computers, using GPS navigation to travel and increasingly using machine learning for routine tasks. While the software on all these machines are bound by the laws of theoretical computer science, the hardware rules are decided by the laws of physics. We will discuss how a modern perspective on the laws of physics can lead to “quantum enhanced” designs of future computers, sensors, learning machines, engines, batteries and many more “machines”, with examples often involving work published by IITB students. The talk will involve ideas usually discussed in Physics, EE and CSE departments. At the end, I will briefly introduce the quantum centre (CoE-QuICST) and centre plans for an IDDDP program in quantum technologies.

Check the instagram post here.