Summer of Science

Summer of Science

Summer of Science is an initiative by the Maths and Physics Club, to encourage, and help discover, the joy of learning. To know more, click here! and we will be posting the projects online soon, keep visiting!

Summer of Science Past Projects

From quantum computing to non linear dynamics, game theory to machine learning, here are the reports to the buzzwords of 2017.
Quantum mechanics may or may not disturb causal order, but learning should never be stopped. Take a look at the other things that go against our intuition and break our world of reality here.
This year will go down in history as the one we clicked the first black hole. But it offered much more from detecting marsquakes to making quantum traps using the casimir effect. Look what our students read about the most here
With over 120 mentors and 430 mentees, we had an overwhelming response. Check out what fascinated our members the most here.
2016 and prior ITSP Projects